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Saturday, January 7, 2012

Bad Mother of the Week Award: Week 1

I was walking today and I saw two young boys playing. The big one was beating up the little one, their mother was sitting on the porch smoking a cigarette and drinking a beer. A man across the road yelled to the boys, now I'm not going to edit what he said at all, so a warning to the younger readers "Hey boys, please play nice!". I know them's fightin' words.The young boys mother responded by saying "Fuck you! He needs to be beat the lil faggot!". Well ma'am first off as that boy could have been no more than 5 there is no way you could know if he's homosexual, second off no five year should be beaten, no matter sexual orientation.And, well frankly you calling him a faggot says more about you than it does about him. It says that you are homophobic, ill-informed and ignorant.Using that word at all is disgusting, I swear and I'll be the first to admit it feels good! But using words like faggot or chink is just wrong. Words like fuck or hell, ya they aren't good but they're the lesser evils they aren't coming right out with hate for another group. So lady who called her adorable 5 year old son a faggot, congratulations you've just received our bad mother of the week award.

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